Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Grades - September 28

I apologize for the late post. I forgot to save the grades to my flash drive last night. Here they are this morning. Click on the image for a larger view.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Week of September 27-October 1

Hi everyone,

I'm grading again this weekend. I will put all of my grades in the computer on Monday and will post grades here Monday night.

This Thursday and Friday, September 30 and October 1 are parent-teacher conferences. On Thursday, conferences will be held from 3-6 p.m. and on Friday from 12:45-3:45. I hope many of you will be able to stop in for a quick visit. It's always nice to see the parents of the students I see every day.

Now for this week's schedule:

Business Concepts 2
We will finish up the notes for chapter 5 on Monday and Tuesday. We will review on Wednesday and take a test on Thursday. I will collect notes the day of the test. Study guides will be due on Wednesday.

Business Concepts 1
We will finish up chapter 9 this week. On Friday, 4th hour turned in 9.1 and 9.2 study guides at the end of the hour. I assigned these study guides to 7th hour to be due Monday. The remaining study guides will be due on Wednesday. On Thursday we will take a test over chapter 9 and I will also collect notes that day.

Business Math
We are continuing with chapter 2 this week. On Monday, we will review the three sections that we have covered. We will continue to try to cover a section a day, with homework problems assigned daily. Still no test this week.

Business Law
On Monday, we will start chapter 4 about criminal law. Students often find this to be the most interesting chapter. We will discuss different types of crimes and look at the Illinois Criminal Code. We will take notes this week, with no take-home work planned.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one and hope to see some of you at conferences.


Monday, September 20, 2010

Grades - September 20

Click image for larger view

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week of September 20-24

Hi everyone,

I have been grading over the weekend and will post updated grades Monday evening here on the blog.

For now, here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts 2
We will take a test over chapter 3 on Monday and begin covering chapter 5, over business organization on Tuesday. We will do activities in class throughout the week, but there should not be any take home work.

Business Concepts 1
We will begin chapter 9 on careers and finding a job on Monday. Students will look at their interests and values to determine careers that may be appealing to them. Then, we will discuss the steps of finding a job, including the search, application and interview processes. There should not be any take home work this week and there will not be a test this week.

Business Math
On Monday, we will work on the chapter 2 reading guide in class. The reading guide will be due at the beginning of the hour on Tuesday. We will begin covering each section of chapter 2 daily, with homework assigned each night. No test this week.

Business Law
We will cover chapter 3 this week over the court system. It's a quick chapter and we will have a test on Friday. Study guides will be due Thursday.

That's it for this week. I'll have the grades posted tomorrow evening. Have a great week.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week of September 13-17

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of 9/10/10. Click the image for a larger view.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week.

Business concepts 2
We will continue chapter 3 notes and activities, with a test planned for Friday. Study guides should be due on Wednesday.

Business concepts 1
Students will work on identity theft PowerPoints early in the week and we will plan on having a test on Friday over chapter 15. Study guides will be due on Wednesday or Thursday.

Business math
We have finished all five sections of chapter 1. The beginning of the week will be a review, with a test planned for Wednesday. Students who may be struggling with the content in this chapter are encouraged to come to before or after school tutoring, as much of what we do this year will build on the concepts in this chapter.

Business law
Students will write a short paper on the Enron scandal, as we finished watching the movie on Friday. Later in the week, we will explore Internet law.

I think that's it for this week. Please e-mail me with any questions/concerns you may have.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Week of September 6-10

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of 9/3/10. Click on the image for a larger view. The schedule for the upcoming week is below.

Business Concepts 2
We finished chapter 2 on Friday with a test. Overall, the class did very well. On Tuesday, we will start chapter 3, over international business. We will take notes and complete activities throughout the week, with no test scheduled for the week.

Business Concepts 1
Last week, we finished chapter 1 and now will skip ahead to chapter 15, about consumer protection. We will be looking through issues of Consumer Reports and learning about how to be smart consumers. There will be notes and activities throughout the week, with no test planned.

Business Math
Last week, I had planned to continue with chapter 1. However, with the shortened class periods it was difficult to get much accomplished each day. Instead, students completed review problems so I could assess class strengths and weaknesses. We will jump back into chapter 1 on Tuesday, with homework assignments each night. We may have a test this Friday, but it depends on if I think the class is comfortable enough with the material. If not Friday, then next Tuesday. I don't like to give tests on Mondays.

Business Law
On Friday, we took a test over chapter 1. Scores were fair, which is to be expected on this first test. Generally what I see is that students have had me for business concepts. Many of the test questions in that class are common sense and fairly easy to understand. Business law is a junior/senior level class and it takes a bit more of an effort studying for the test and understanding the material. So, if grades are lower than expected, it's likely a result of the test, but there is plenty of time to turn that around. As for this week, we will watch a movie called Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room to go along with our discussion on business ethics. Students will take a quiz and write a short report about the fall of Enron.

I think that's it for this week. Any questions, please feel free to e-mail me. Hope you enjoying the long weekend!