Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 28 - February 1

Hi everyone,

Parent-teacher conferences are this Friday from 8-3:30. I'm looking to forward to meeting those of you who are able to stop in.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
This week, we will start project 2  over formatting research papers. I had planned to start this last week, but things went a bit slower than I originally planned. Students will use the tools in Microsoft Word to format research papers with the MLA style. All research papers are pre-written, they will not be responsible for writing their own papers in this class.

Business Concepts
On Monday, we will review chapter 15. On Tuesday, we will take a test over the chapter and I will collect notes. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 9 over career exploration and job search skills. Students will research possible careers, fill out a job application, and learn about interviewing. There will be no outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Monday, January 21, 2013

Week of January 21 - 25

Hi everyone,

Students have four-day weeks for the next couple of weeks. Here is what I have planned for this one. I will be out on Friday at a tech plan writing workshop.

Computers 1
On Tuesday, we will review for a test over Word - Project 1. Students have reading guides to use for studying. On Tuesday, we will take the test.  On Wednesday, we will start working on Word - Project 2 together. It covers research reports and the correct use of MLA formatting. On Friday, students will watch a movie about Apple founder, Steve Jobs.

Business Concepts 1
We are continuing to work on chapter 15 over consumer protection. On Tuesday, students will finish the posters they started on Friday and we will start 15.2 notes. On Wednesday, we will finish the 15.2 notes and do an activity. On Thursday, we will complete 15.3 notes and students will begin working on PowerPoints about identity theft. On Friday, study guides will be due and students will finish their PowerPoints in class.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week of January 14 - 18

Hi everyone,

It seems that everyone survived the first week back. Here is what I have scheduled for the second week.

Computers 1
We will continue to work on flyers in class. There will be no outside homework.

Business Concepts
On Monday, we will finish up chapter 1 over the economy. On Tuesday, study guides for sections 3 and 4 will be due and we will review. On Wednesday, we will take a test over chapter 1 and I will collect notes. On Thursday and Friday we will begin chapter 15 over consumer protection. We will look at issues of Consumer Reports and evaluate purchases.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week of January 7 - 11

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break. Because I only teach semester long classes, this week is similar to the first week of school, learning student names and getting into a routine.

This week's post will have a short description of each class as well as the schedule for the first week.

Business Concepts 1
This class is considered a consumer education credit. Students will learn about real-life scenarios, such as finding a job, making smart buying decisions, filing taxes, using a checkbook, using credit cards, etc. The class is one semester in length and is a graduation requirement.

This week, we will be starting chapter 1, about the economy. We will be taking notes in class and completing activities related to the content. Study guides for the chapter will be passed out on Tuesday, with the first two sections being due Friday.

Computers 1
This class covers both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Students will learn how to create flyers, reports, and letterheads in Word during the first quarter. Excel will be introduced during the second quarter when students create charts and graphs for various data. The class is one semester in length and is a graduation requirement. There will not be work to take home for this class, as it is all completed in the computer lab. However, students will be responsible for studying for tests.

This week we will be starting a project in Word about creating flyers.

That's it for this week. Have a good one.