Here are the grades as of Friday, February 25:

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:
Business Concepts
On Monday, students will complete a tax tutorial provided by the IRS. On Tuesday, study guides for sections 1 and 2 will be due at the beginning of class and we will take notes over sections 3 and 4. The study guides for sections 3 and 4 will be due on Wednesday at the beginning of class and we will review that day. On Thursday, we will take a test over taxes. On Friday, we will have a free day to celebrate surviving a chapter about taxes!
Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday, we will review sections 5-8 and have a test over the sections on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, students will work on reading guides for chapter 7. These will be due Monday at the beginning of class.
Web Page 2
We will continue working through project 8 in the textbook, which we started last week. Towards the end of the week, we should start the Dreamweaver review project, where students make a website for a museum that they create.
I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!
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