Friday, November 26, 2010

Week of November 29 - December 3

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of November 24th:

Believe it or not, we only have three full weeks left in the semester. Now is the time to get grades up or keep them up. Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts 2
We will start chapter 10 over marketing this week. This is the last chapter we will cover in this class. There will be daily activities, but no take-home work planned.

Business Concepts 1
We will begin chapter 18 over credit cards. There will be worksheets assigned on Monday and Tuesday, but students should be able to finish these in class.

Business Math
We will cover section 4.5 on Monday, review on Tuesday, and have a test over sections 4.1-4.5 of chapter 4. On Thursday and Friday, we will complete sections 4.6 and 4.7. Daily work will be assigned. Many students in this class are not turning in daily work, which is why many of the grades are so low. It is very, very important that homework gets completed and turned in, as many students must have this class to graduate this spring.

Business Law
We will begin chapter 6 over contracts. Students will complete a case brief on Monday and Tuesday and we will begin discussing contract scenarios on Wednesday. There should not be any outside homework.

I think that's it for this week. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week of November 22-24

Hi everyone,

I do not have grades to post this week. Honestly, after Tuesday, neither teacher nor students got much accomplished. Tammy, we will miss you and your smile in 7th hour.

Thankfully, this week is a short one and I hope the days off will be restful and refreshing for everyone. It has been a difficult week for many of us.

For the short week, this is what I have planned:

Business Concepts 2
Finish the movie we started last week and write the essay on Dave Thomas and Sam Walton.

Business Concepts 1
Review on Monday and take a test on Tuesday over checking accounts. There are no notes to turn in, as students completed reading guides at the beginning of the chapter and they have already been graded. Wednesday is scheduled as a free day/makeup day for anyone who missed the test.

Business Math
We will continue chapter 4 this week, covering the second half of section 4.3 on Monday and 4.4 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Business Law
We will finally get to watch A Civil Action. It should take the entire three days to finish.

I think that's it for this week. I will probably post grades on Friday of next week. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Grades - November 15

Click on the image for a larger view.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week of November 15-19

Hi everyone,

This quarter is flying by. Believe it or not, we only have five weeks until Christmas break. I have been grading this weekend, and will post grades Monday morning or afternoon. For now, here is the schedule for this week.

Business Concepts 2
We will watch a movie on Monday and Tuesday about a famous entrepreneur. On Wednesday, students will write a one-page essay about what they saw. On Thursday, we will start chapter 10 about marketing. There should not be any outside homework this week.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will have guest speakers from Greenville College provide information about affording a college education. Tuesday and Wednesday we will work on checking packets in class and packets will be due at the beginning of class on Thursday or Friday (I want to see what progress everyone has made before I set a specific due date.) These packets are worth 150 points and can make or break this quarter's grade, so it is very important that they are completed. We will then begin reviewing for a test over checking accounts, to be taken next week on Tuesday, November 23rd.

Business Math
We are continuing chapter 4 this week. No test is planned but homework will be assigned daily. I will also be making phone calls home this week for those students who are failing this class and must have the math credit to graduate.

Business Law
We will review on Monday and take a test Tuesday over chapter 5 on civil law. I will also collect notes on Tuesday. Wednesday-Friday we will watch the movie A Civil Action.

I think that's all this week. I will get grades posted on here tomorrow. Have a great week!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week of November 8-12

Hi everyone,

Here are grades as of Friday, November 5:

Click the image to enlarge.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts 2
We will continue chapter 8 this week. 8.2 study guide will be due on Tuesday and 8.3 study guide will be due on Wednesday. We will review on Wednesday (students will get their study guides back before the end of the hour) and we will take a test over the chapter on Friday. There is no school Thursday due to Veteran's Day. I will also collect chapter notes on Friday.

Business Concepts 1
We will work on checking packets in class all week. Students receive participation points for working in class. There will be no homework, as packets cannot leave the room.

Business Math
We started the chapter 4 reading guide on Friday. We will work on them all hour on Monday and they will be due on Tuesday at the beginning of the hour. There will be daily homework from chapter 4 Tuesday-Friday.

Business Law
We will continue chapter 5, completing activities throughout the week. The study guide packet will be due on Friday.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!