Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week of October 31 - November 4

Hi everyone,

I've been grading this weekend and will post grades sometime on Monday. These grades will only be for second quarter.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
Students will continue using Excel to organize data and create charts. There will not be a test this week.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, students will be given a reading guide for chapter 17, over checking accounts. This will be worked on Monday in class, and will be due on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, we will start working through checking packets provided by First National Bank. The packets will not go home. Students will work on them in class each day and will receive participation points for working. Each day, students need to bring a blue or black pen and a pencil.

Business Math
Students will work on the chapter 4 reading guide on Monday (sections 1-5 only) and it will be due on Tuesday. On Tuesday, we will begin working through chapter 4. There will be daily homework with no test this week.

Business Law
We will continue taking notes on chapter 5, over civil law. Students are completing a listening activity over civil court cases. Chapter study guides will be due on Thursday, and a test over the chapter is planned for Friday.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week of October 24 - 28

Hi everyone,

This week starts the beginning of the second quarter. Grade reports will be mailed on Monday or Tuesday, so I will not be posting grades here this week. I will resume grade posting next week.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week. Also, a reminder that there is no school on Friday.

Computers 1
We started using Excel on Friday. We will continue working through the first project as a class to become familiar with the new program. Then, students will work on creating spreadsheets on their own. There will be no tests this week.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will finish the notes for chapter 16 and begin a budget webquest. On Tuesday, chapter 16 study guides are due. On Wednesday, we will review, and on Thursday we will take a test over chapter 16. I will also collect notes that day.

Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday we will continue practicing problems from sections 3.6 and 3.7. On Wednesday, we will have a quiz over these sections. On Thursday, we will work on reading guides for chapter 4.

Business Law
We will begin chapter 5 over civil law this week. We will be working on activities in class and taking notes. There should not be any outside homework.

Have a great week.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Grades - October 17

There has been a slight change to the business math schedule. We will be covering section 3.5 and reviewing on Monday. Then we will have a test over sections 1-5 on Tuesday. On Wednesday, students will work on reading guides and we will start covering sections 6 and 7 on Thursday and Friday.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week of October 17 - 21

Hi everyone,

This is the last week of the first quarter, so it is crunch-time to get grades up. I have been grading this weekend. I will input the grades tomorrow and post grades on here sometime tomorrow afternoon. Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we will review and on Tuesday, we will take a test over Word - Project 3. There will be a written portion and a production portion. On Wednesday, we will begin with the first project in Excel.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will review and on Tuesday, we will take a test over taxes. I will also collect notes that day. Wednesday will be an "end of taxes free day" because this chapter is the most difficult that we cover all semester. On Thursday and Friday we will be starting the next chapter which is about budgeting.

Business Math
On Monday, we will cover section 3.5. On Tuesday and Wednesday we will review these sections and then on Thursday take a test over them. On Friday, we will begin covering section 3.6.

Business Law
On Monday, students will be working on their criminal trial projects. I'm hoping to start presentations on Tuesday, but we will see if the students are ready. If not, we will postpone them a couple of days. If the presentations happen earlier in the week, we will begin covering civil law later in the week. There will be no outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Week of October 10 - 14

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. Here is the schedule for the upcoming four day week.

Computers 1
We will continue creating resumes and cover letters. No test this week.

Business Concepts
Study guides 1 & 2 are due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. We will continue working on tax activities for the remainder of the week. Study guides 3 & 4 will be due on Friday. There should not be any other outside homework.

Business Math
We will begin covering sections 1 through 5 of chapter 3, over checking accounts. There will be daily homework, but no test this week.

Business Law
Students will begin working on group projects about famous criminal trials. The project includes a paper, Powerpoint and group presentation. We will work on these all week and hopefully will begin presentations early next week. If students use their time wisely, they should be able to finish everything in class.

I think that's it for this week. We only have this week and next until the end of the 1st quarter. It's time for the final push to get grades up.


Friday, October 7, 2011