Sunday, December 16, 2012

Week of December 17 - 21

Hi everyone,

It seems crazy, but it's already the last week of the semester. My classes have been great and I have really enjoyed all of them. Here is the schedule for the final week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we will finish up the project that we started together. It took a bit longer than I had planned.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we will review. Students will get all of their old tests back to study from for the final exam. These tests must be returned to me on the day of the test or the exam grade will be docked 50%. 

The final exam has three parts. The written part is comprised of questions taken from the chapter tests. The questions are matching, multiple choice and true/false. Students will also have to label both Word and Excel screens. Next, students will complete a short activity using Word, showing basic commands such as adding a header, using clipart, etc. Finally, they will create a small worksheet in Excel using the formulas they have learned.

Business Concepts
On Monday, students will get all of their old tests back to study from for the final exam. These tests must be returned to me on the day of the test or the exam grade will be docked 50%. We will correct the tests in class and review. The test is made up of matching, multiple choice and true/false questions.

On Tuesday and Wednesday students will work on creating "end of quarter" Powerpoints describing the ten most important things they learned during the last nine weeks.

Business Law
On Monday, students will continue to prepare for their debates and the debates will take place on Tuesday. Many of the students are very passionate about their topics so the debates should be exciting. On Monday, the few students taking the final exam will receive corrected copies of their chapter tests to use as study guides for the final.  These tests must be returned to me on the day of the test or the exam grade will be docked 50%. The test is made up of matching, multiple choice and true/false questions.

I think that's it for this week and for the semester. I hope everyone has a relaxing winter break.

Happy holidays!


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Week of December 10 - 14

Hi everyone,

Well, last week certainly did not go the way I had planned! I was out four days last week. As your child may have told you, I have MS. Most of the time, this does not affect my teaching, but every now and then, it throws me for a loop. I'll be back tomorrow and hopefully will make it to Christmas break without another day out.

Now, on to the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we are going to go over all the work completed in my absence. By now, the students seem to be pros at using functions in Excel. We will also review on Monday. Then, I'm planning on having a test on Tuesday. If I feel like they aren't ready, we will push it back to Wednesday. Later in the week, we will complete an activity together doing a few more advanced functions in Excel. This info will not be on the final exam.

Business Concepts
On Monday, we will finish Maxed Out. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will take notes over a very short chapter 19, on savings and mortgages. On Thursday, study guides will be due and we will review for the test and on Friday we will take the test.

Business Law
On Monday, we will finish Twelve Angry Men. On Tuesday, we will begin preparing for debates, the final class project. In groups, students will write a brief arguing their position and then will debate another group during class. I will pick the topics.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Week of December 3 - 7

Hi everyone,

Only three more weeks left in the fall semester. Here is what I have planned:

Computers 1
Students will continue working in Excel, using formulas and functions. No tests or outside homework.

Business Concepts
We will finish up chapter 18 this week. Study guides for sections 3 and 4 will be due on Wednesday. We will take a test over the chapter on Thursday. We will also start a movie this week called     Maxed Out, about the credit card industry.

Business Law
On Wednesday, students will take a test over chapters 8 and 9. This will be the last chapter test of the semester. At the end of the week, we will watch a movie, either Twelve Angry Men or Inherit the Wind. There should be no outside homework.

That's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week of November 26 - 30

Hi everyone,

We are in the home stretch; only four more weeks in this semester. Here is what I have scheduled for this week:

Computers 1
On Monday, students will complete their final reading guide over Excel project 2. The rest of the week they will work on creating worksheets involving the use of the average, maximum, and minimum functions. There will be no outside homework.

Business Concepts 
This week, we will start a chapter over credit. We will discuss installment loans before moving onto credit cards. Students will look at a credit card statement and learn about the "minimum payment trap." There should be no outside homework.

Business Law
On Monday, students will complete yet another case brief. On Tuesday, we will start the next chapter over consideration. Again, students will analyze contract scenarios to determine if a contract exists. There should be no outside homework.

Have a great week!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week of November 19 - 23

Hi everyone,

A short week before Thanksgiving break. Here's the schedule:

Computers 1
We will start the walkthrough on Excel - Project 2 together. This should be the last project we complete this semester.

Business Concepts 
Checking packets are due Monday. I decided not to have the test last week, so we will review Monday and take the test on Tuesday.

Business Law
We will finish up the chapter over offer and acceptance of contracts this week. We will review on Tuesday and take the test Wednesday. Study guides will be due on Tuesday.

That's it for this week. Have a great Thanksgiving!


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week of November 12 - 16

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
On Monday and Tuesday, students will work on their last worksheet for Excel - project 1. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will review and on Friday we will have a  test over the chapter.

Business Concepts
Students will continue working on checking packets in class this week. I'm hoping to have them due this Friday but I want to see how everyone is progressing at the beginning of this week before I set a firm  date. If they are not due this Friday, they will be due the following Monday. This Friday I'm also hoping to have a test over checking accounts.

Business Law
This week the content in this class shifts gears a bit. From now until the end of the semester, we will be discussing contract law. There should be no outside homework for this chapter other than study guides. 

That's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week of November 5 - 9

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week. Things might get switched around a bit because of freshman and sophomore testing this week, but here is the overall plan.

Computers 1
On Monday and Tuesday, students will work on the reading guide for the first Excel project. For the rest of the week, they will work on creating their third Excel worksheet.

Business Concepts 
Students will be working on checking packets all week. These packets are worth 150 points (about 3 tests worth) and will be completed entirely in class. We are still working through an example month together, but later in the week students will begin to work independently.

Business Law
Making movies last week took a bit longer than I planned, but they were worth the wait. The students did a great job. We will watch A Civil Action at the beginning of the week and then write response essays in class later in the week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, October 28, 2012

Week of October 29 - November 2

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we will review the chapter over business letters. On Tuesday, we will take a test over the chapter. Wednesday - Friday will be spent introducing Excel and beginning the first project using the program. Most students tend to prefer the Excel activities and I usually see higher grades on Excel assignments than on Word assignments.

Business Concepts 
On Monday, students will complete their individual budgets and we will review the chapter over budgeting. On Tuesday, we will take a test over the chapter and I will collect notes. On Wednesday and Thursday, students will complete a reading guide over chapter 17 about checking accounts. On Friday, we will introduce the checking account packets that students will be completing over the next couple of weeks. I'll provide more information about the packets next week. There should not be any outside homework.

Business Law
On Monday, students will edit the tort videos that they filmed last week. On Tuesday, we will review the chapter over civil law and on Wednesday, we will take a test over the chapter and I will collect notes. On Thursday, we will start watching the movie A Civil Action. Students will write a response essay after we finish the movie.

I think that's it for this week. I'd like to invite everyone to the VCHS talent show on Friday night. It is at 7 p.m. in the high school gym. Hope to see  you there!


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of October 22 - 26

Hi everyone,

This is the first week of the second quarter and it is a four-day week. Here is what I have planned:

Computers 1
Students will complete a reading guide over the business letters chapter. Later in the week, they will type their last business letter project. We will have a test over this chapter some time next week.

Business Concepts
We all survived the taxes chapter! It is usually the most difficult. Now, we are on to budgeting. This is a short, but important chapter. Study guides over the chapter will be due on Thursday. Everything else will be completed in class.

Business Law
We will continue the chapter over civil law and torts this week. Study guides over the chapter will be due on Thursday. Everything else will be completed in class.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, October 14, 2012

Week of October 15 - 19

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the last week of the first quarter.

Computers 1
We will continue working on letters and letterheads in Word this week.

Business Concepts 
On Monday, we will review the chapter over taxes. On Tuesday, we will have a test over the chapter and I will collect notes. On Wednesday and Thursday, students will make Powerpoints over the top ten things they learned this quarter. Friday will be their end of quarter free day. There should not be any outside homework.

Business Law
On Monday, we will start chapter 5 over civil law. We will take notes in class and do activities. There should not be any outside homework.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, October 8, 2012

Week of October 8 - 12

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for another four-day week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we will review the project 2 chapter of Word. On Tuesday, students will take a test over the chapter. As with the first test, part will be written (matching, true/false, etc.) and part will be production (formatting a research paper in MLA format). On Thursday and Friday, we will start working on the third and final chapter in Word, over letterheads and letters.

Business Concepts
We will continue the taxes chapter this week. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will work on filling out 1040EZ forms. Later in the week, students will learn about other types of taxes and look at sales tax rates in other states. Study guides 2 & 3 will be due on Friday.

Business Law
Students will continue working on criminal trial projects and they will be presented on Thursday and Friday this week.

I think that's everything. Have a great week!


Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of October 1 - 5

Hi everyone,

Thanks to all the parents who made it to conferences. I enjoyed meeting you!

Students will have a four-day week, due to the teacher's institute on Friday. Here is the planned schedule:

Computers 1
Students will continue working on research paper formatting this week.

Business Concepts
This week we will begin discussing income taxes. Students will fill out W-4 forms and will be introduced to the 1040EZ, which they will actually fill out starting next week. There should be no outside homework.

Business Law
Students will work on their group projects over criminal trials all week. We should do presentations early next week.

I think that's it for now. Have a great week!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week of September 24 - 28

Hi everyone,

Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled this week on Thursday evening and on Friday afternoon. I hope many of you are able to attend.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week. Students will have an 11:45 dismissal on Friday.

Computers 1
We will continue working on research papers this week.

Business Concepts 
Study guides 9.3 and 9.4 will now be due on Tuesday this week. On Wednesday, we will take a test over chapter 9. There should not be any other outside homework.

Business Law
Study guides for chapter 4 will be due on Wednesday and we will take a test over the chapter on Thursday. There should not be any other outside homework.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one and I hope to see you at parent-teacher conferences.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week of September 17 - 21

Hi everyone,

Well, it's homecoming week again. This week tends to be a bit less productive than other weeks in the school year, but here is what I'm hoping to get accomplished.

Computers 1
We will start the second chapter in Word this week, over research papers. Students will not actually be writing papers, but they will be setting them up in MLA format, by learning how to create in-text citations, create a works cited page, etc. There will be no outside homework.

Business Concepts
We will continue chapter 9 this week over careers. Students will research two careers of interest to them and we will discuss job applications and interviews. Study guides 9.1 and 9.2 will be due on Thursday and study guides 9.3 and 9.4 will be due next Monday. All other work will be completed in class.

Business Law
This week we will start chapter 4 over criminal law. All homework/activities should be completed in class.

That's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week of September 10 - 14

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week. Just a reminder of the 11:45 early dismissal scheduled for this Friday.

I will be out on Monday, so if you e-mail me, I will get back to you sometime on Tuesday.

Computers 1
On Monday, students will watch a movie about Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. On Tuesday, we will finish the movie and review for a test over Word Project 1. On Wednesday, we will continue reviewing and on Thursday, students will take a test over the chapter. There will be a written portion with terms and concepts and a production portion where students will create flyers using Word.

Business Concepts
On Monday, study guide 15.3 is due and students will read a Consumer Reports article and complete  a worksheet. On Tuesday, we will review chapter 15 and on Wednesday, students will take a test over the chapter. On Thursday, we will start chapter 9 over careers and finding a job.

Business Law
On Monday, students will continue working on a case brief of the U.S. Supreme Court case, Cazazos v Smith. On Tuesday, we will finish up notes for chapter 3, over the court system. On Wednesday, we will review and on Thursday students will take a test over the chapter.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Week of September 3 - 7

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. Here is what I have planned for the upcoming four-day week.

Computers 1
We will continue working on flyers. It's going a bit slower than I had planned, which is fine, but we won't be starting independent flyers until the end of this week. No outside homework or tests this week.

Business Concepts 1
We will continue chapter 15 over consumer protection. We will be taking notes and completing various activities in class, including looking at Consumer Reports magazines and finding out about the Better Business Bureau. Study guides over sections 1 and 2 will be due on Friday and the study guide for section 3 will be due on the following Monday.

Business Law
On Tuesday and Wednesday, students will research how law has been effected by technology. On Thursday, we will start chapter 3 over the court system. There should be no outside homework.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Week of August 27 - 31

Hi everyone,

Here is what I have scheduled for the upcoming week:

Computers 1
We will continue working on flyers in class. At the end of the week, each student will design a flyer for an event of his/her choice using the design tools we have used in class.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, study guides 1.3 and 1.4 are due and we will review chapter 1. On Tuesday, we will take a test over chapter 1 and I will collect notes. On Wednesday, students will begin creating PowerPoints about identity theft and we will begin chapter 15, over consumer protection. There should not be any other outside homework.

Business Law
On Monday, chapter 1 study guides are due and we will review. On Tuesday, we will take a test over chapter 1 and I will collect notes. On Wednesday and Thursday, students will watch a movie about Bernie Madoff's Ponzi scheme and on Friday they will write about what they saw.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, August 20, 2012

2012 - 2013 school year

Hi everyone,

It's hard to believe, but it's the start of yet another school year. This week's post will have a short description of each class as well as the schedule for the first week.

Business Concepts 1
This class is considered a consumer education credit. Students will learn about real-life scenarios, such as finding a job, making smart buying decisions, filing taxes, using a checkbook, using credit cards, etc. The class is one semester in length and is a graduation requirement.

This week, we will be starting chapter 1, about the economy. We will be taking notes in class and completing activities related to the content. Study guides for the chapter will be passed out on Tuesday, with the first two sections being due Friday.

Computers 1
This class covers both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Students will learn how to create flyers, reports, and letterheads in Word during the first quarter. Excel will be introduced during the second quarter when students create charts and graphs for various data. The class is one semester in length and is a graduation requirement. There will not be work to take home for this class, as it is all completed in the computer lab. However, students will be responsible for studying for tests.

This week we will be starting a project in Word about creating flyers.

Business Law
This is an elective for junior and seniors worth 1/2 credit. The course covers the creation of law at various levels, different types of laws, and the creation of contracts. Students will do writing and critical thinking throughout the semester. This week, we will start chapter 1. Students will read an actual U.S. Supreme Court case and  create a brief (summary) of the case. There should not be any outside homework.

That should be it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, May 7, 2012

Rest of the year

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the late post this week. This will be my last blog post for this school year.

A quick note about final exams: For business concepts 1 & 2, I pass back all chapter tests to be used as study guides. These tests must be returned to me the day of the final exam. If tests are not returned to me, the final exam will only be given 50% credit. Students are not required to take back their tests.

Here is the schedule for the next two weeks:

Business Concepts 1
Today, study guides for chapter 19 are due. Tomorrow, we will take a test over chapter 19 and I will collect notes. On Wednesday, students will do an online simulation using concepts they have learned this semester. On Thursday and Friday, they will make Powerpoints about the most important things they have learned this semester. Next week, we will watch a movie and then study for the final exam.

Business Concepts 2
This week we will be studying for the final exam and watching episodes of Shark Tank, a show about starting your own business. Next week, students will have some free time because without the seniors there aren't many students left.

Business Math
This week we will work on exam study guides together. On Friday, students will take the matching and multiple choice portion of their exam. Next Monday they will take the math problems portion. This class is all seniors so it is over as of next Monday.

Web Page 2
This week will be be reviewing for the final and finishing up district web page projects. This class is also all seniors so it is over as of next Monday.

This year has gone by very quickly. I hope everyone has a relaxing summer!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week of April 30 - May 4

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week. Some things were scheduled for last week that we didn't get to as planned, due to field trips and other end-of-year busyness.

Business Concepts 1
We will continue the movie at the beginning of the week. Tuesday, we will begin the last chapter, over savings options. There should not be any outside homework this week.

Business Concepts 2
We will finish notes for chapter 10 on Monday. Study guides are due at the end of the hour (this date was pushed back from a due date of Friday). We will take a test over the chapter on Wednesday and I will also collect notes. On Thursday and Friday, I'm hoping to have a short lesson over the stock market.

Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday, we will complete worksheets over sections 10.1 - 10.4 and take a test over those sections on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will start reviewing for the final exam.

Web Page 2
On Monday, we will finish the Flash project started last week. On Tuesday, students will begin redesigning the webpage for the school district. The best design will be chosen by Mrs. Vieregge.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of April 23 - 27

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts 1
We will continue chapter 18 this week. On Tuesday, 18.3 and 18.4 study guides are due. On Wednesday, we will take a test over chapter 18 and I will collect notes. On Thursday and Friday, we will watch the documentary, Maxed Out.

Business Concepts 2
We will continue chapter 10 this week over marketing. Last week,  students designed their own brands of shampoo. This week, they will work on a marketing campaign for their shampoo including print and online advertisements and a television commercial. Study guides for chapter 10 will be due on Friday.

Business Math
On Monday, students will work on the reading guide for chapter 10. It will be due Tuesday. Starting on Tuesday, we will be covering sections of chapter 10, with homework each day.

Web Page 2
We will continue making movies in Flash this week.

That's all for this week. Only a few more left!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Week of April 16 - 20

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week. Four weeks left for seniors!

Business Concepts 1
We will start chapter 18 about credit. We will take notes and complete activities in class. Study guides for sections 18.1 and 18.2 will be due on Friday.

Business Concepts 2
We will continue chapter 8 this week. Study guides are due on Tuesday and we will take a test on Wednesday. I will also collect chapter notes that day. On Thursday, we will start chapter 10.

Business Math
We will continue chapter 8 this week with homework each day. A test is planned for Friday over all of chapter 8.

Web Page 2
We will continue working in Flash this week.

I think that's it. Have a good one!


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Week of April 2 - 6

Hi everyone,

A short week before spring break. Here is the schedule:

Business Concepts 1
We will work on checking packets in class on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will review checking accounts and on Thursday we will take a test over the chapter. Packets are also due on Thursday.

Business Concepts 2
We will begin chapter 8 this week, taking notes daily and looking at the website for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There will be no outside homework.

Business Math
We will begin chapter 8 this week. On Monday, students will work on the reading guide in class and it will be due on Tuesday. Tuesday-Thursday we will be covering sections 8.1 - 8.3.

Web Page 2
We will continue working in Adobe Flash this week and students will get the chance to create their own projects.

I hope everyone enjoys their week off. I think we all need a break after a busy semester!


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Week of March 26 - 30

Hi everyone,

Only two more weeks until spring break! Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
We will work on checking packets all week. There will be no outside homework. Students need to bring a pencil and a blue or black ink pen every day starting on Tuesday.

Business Concepts 2
We will continue covering chapter 7 this week. Study guides 7.1 and 7.2 are due on Tuesday. Study guide 7.3 will be due Wednesday. We will review on Wednesday and take a test on Thursday. I will also collect notes that day.

Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday, students will work on worksheet packets over sections 7.7 - 7.9. We will review Wednesday and take a test over the sections on Thursday.

Web Page 2
We will continue working in Flash this week.

Have a great week!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week of March 19 - 23

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
On Monday and Tuesday, students will work on chapter 17 reading guides in class. This chapter covers the use of checking accounts. These will be due on Wednesday. The rest of the week will be spent working on checking packets. These packets are worth 150 points (equivalent of about three tests). The packets will be worked on in class and will remain in the room. We will begin them this week and should finish towards the end of next week.

Business Concepts 2
On Monday and Tuesday, students will watch a video about Bernie Madoff and the Ponzi scheme he ran for decades. On Tuesday, we will also start taking notes over chapter 7, about management. There should be no outside homework.

Business Math
On Monday, students will complete a review worksheet over decimals, percents, and fractions. On Tuesday, we will begin covering sections 7.7 - 7.9 with homework problems assigned each day.

Web Page 2
This week, we will begin the use of Adobe Flash, an animation program.

I think that's it for this week. Students have early dismissal on Friday at 11:45. Have a great week.


Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week of March 12 - 16

Hi everyone,

This is the first week of the last quarter. This weekend (March 16 and 17) is the school play, which I help to direct. So, this week is usually VERY chaotic, but this is what I have planned. Hopefully it goes smoothly.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday and Tuesday, a representative from Land of Lincoln Credit Union will be giving a presentation on budgeting. On Wednesday and Thursday, students will work on their budgeting movies and on Friday, we will share the movies in class.

Business Concepts 2
Students will work with partners on research projects about famous entrepreneurs. They can present their findings in a manner of ways. All work should be completed in class.

Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday, we will work on 7.4 - 7.6 worksheets. On Wednesday, students will take a test over those sections. On Thursday they will complete reading guides over sections 7.7 - 7.9 and on Friday we will go over section 7.7.

Web Page 2
Students will continue working in Fireworks, creating drop down menus and projects about their classmates.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Week of March 5 - 9

Hi everyone,

This is the last week of the 3rd quarter, so it's time for that final push to get grades up. Here is the schedule for this week.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will review chapter 16 and finish up the budget webquests. On Tuesday, we will take a test over chapter 16 and I will collect notes. For the rest of the week, I'm going to try something new. I'm going to have students create movies about the importance of budgeting. All of this work should be done in class.

Business Concepts 2
EDITED: We will continue taking notes over chapter 6. Study guides for sections 1 and 2 will be due on Wednesday. The study guide for section 3 will be due on Thursday. We will review Thursday and take a test over the chapter on Friday. I will also collect notes that day. All other work should be completed in class.

Business Math
We will cover sections 7.4 - 7.6 Monday through Wednesday with homework each day. On Thursday I'm planning to review and on Friday there should be a test over these sections if I feel that everyone is ready.

Web Page 2
We will start using Fireworks this week, working with buttons and rollovers.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week of February 27 - March 2

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts 1
We will begin chapter 16 over budgeting this week. Students will create a budget for life after high school using real life information. There should be no outside homework other than study guides, which will be due on Thursday.

Business Concepts 2
On Monday, students will be writing essays on Dave Thomas and Sam Walton based on the videos we watched last week. On Tuesday, we will start chapter 6, about entrepreneurship. There should be no outside homework this week and no tests.

Business Math
On Monday, we will review sections 7.1 - 7.3, on Tuesday we will take a test over those sections, on Wednesday, we will complete the reading guide for sections 7.4 - 7.6 and on Thursday we will start the daily lessons.

Web Page 2
Students will continue working on their museum projects. Towards the end of the week, we may start working in Fireworks if projects are completed early in the week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one. Also, a reminder about early dismissal on Friday at 11:45.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Week of February 20 - 24

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts 1
Because of the sophomores taking the Plan test last week, the two classes are in different places right now. For 3rd hour, the section 3 study guide will be due on Wednesday. For 9th hour, sections 2 and 3 study guides will be due on Wednesday. The section 4 study guide will be due Thursday for both classes. Both classes will also take the test over taxes on Friday. All other work should be completed in class.

Business Concepts 2
On Wednesday, there will be a test over chapter 5 and I will also collect notes. On Thursday and Friday, we will watch movies about two entrepreneurs, Sam Walton and Dave Thomas. The following week, students will write essays about the similarities and differences between the two men.

Business Math
On Tuesday, we will cover section 7.3. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will review sections 7.1 - 7.3 and on Friday, students will take a test over those sections.

Web Page 2
Students will work on their Dreamweaver museum projects all week.

Have a great week!


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week of February 13 - 17

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week. I will not be at school on Monday.

Business Concepts 1
We will be starting a chapter over taxes this week. On Monday, students will complete an online tax tutorial from the IRS. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will begin taking notes over the chapter and will fill out W-4 forms. On Thursday and Friday, students will learn how to complete 1040EZ forms. Study guides for sections 1 and 2 will be due on Friday. All other work will be completed in class.

Business Concepts 2
On Monday, students will finish group projects researching well-known chocolate and cookie companies. We will continue taking notes throughout the week and will begin individual corporation research. Study guides for sections 1 and 2 will be due on Friday.

Business Math
We will start chapter 7 this week, breaking it into three parts. On Monday, students will complete the reading guide for sections 1-3. On Tuesday, we will go over the chapter 6 test and review problems missed. Wednesday - Friday, we will begin covering the sections in chapter 7 with daily work.

Web Page 2
On Monday, students will finish their AP elements projects. On Tuesday, we will begin working through chapter 8 over animation in Dreamweaver.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week of February 6 - 10

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
9.1 and 9.2 study guides will be due on Tuesday. 9.3 and 9.4 study guides will be due Wednesday. We will take notes and fill out applications on Monday and Tuesday, review on Wednesday, and take a test over chapter 9 on Thursday. I will also collect notes that day. On Friday, we will begin discussing the next chapter over taxes.

Business Concepts 2
On Monday, we will review chapter 3. On Tuesday, we will take a test and I will collect notes. On Wednesday, we will do an in-class activity about how to summarize and paraphrase without plagiarizing, as some students are having difficulty with that when completing class activities. On Thursday and Friday we will begin chapter 4. There should not be any outside homework.

Business Math
We will continue working through sections 6.5-6.8 this week. There will be daily homework and I'm hoping to have a test over these sections on Friday.

Web Page 2
This week we will begin working on chapter 8 over absolute positioning. We will also present student store projects for those students who wish to share theirs with the class.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week of January 30 - February 3

Hi everyone,

This week, students only have four days of school because parent-teacher conferences will be held all day on Friday. I hope to see some of you there. Also, I will be out of the classroom until noon on Tuesday and all day Wednesday to attend PBIS trainings. So, this will be an interesting week. Here is the planned schedule:

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will begin chapter 9 with notes and an introduction to a career research activity. On Tuesday and Wednesday students will work on the activity and on Thursday we will resume notes. There should not be any outside homework this week.

Business Concepts 2
We will continue chapter 3 this week with notes on Monday. Study guides for sections 3.1 and 3.2 will be due on Tuesday. Tuesday and Wednesday, students will work on group projects about the International Monetary Fund. On Friday, we will finish up chapter 3 notes.

Business Math
On Monday, students will work on the reading guide for section 6.5-6.8. These will be due on Tuesday. That day we will cover section 6.5 in the textbook. On Wednesday, students will complete a worksheet over section 6.5. On Thursday, we will move on to section 6.6.

Web Page 2
Students will be working on their store template projects all week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week of January 23 - 27

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts 1
We will continue chapter 15 this week. Study guides for sections 1 & 2 will be due on Wednesday. We will be doing activities in class throughout the week. If all goes smoothly, we will take a test over the chapter on Friday and I will also collect notes that day.

Business Concepts 2
We will begin chapter 3 over globalization on Monday. The 3.1 study guides will be due on Thursday. All other work should be completed in class. There will be no test this week.

Business Math
We will continue chapter 6 this week with daily homework. A test is planned for Friday over sections 1-4 of the chapter.

Web Page 2
We will continue working on templates this week.

I think that's it for now. Have a great week.


Monday, January 16, 2012

Week of January 16 - 20

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts 1
The chapter 1 tests went really well. This week, we will begin chapter 15 over consumer protection. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will take notes over section 15.1 and complete some in class activities using Consumer Reports magazine. On Thursday and Friday, students will create Powerpoints teaching about identity theft. There should not be any outside homework this week.

Business Concepts 2
On Tuesday, we will continue the federal budget activity we started last week. We will also look at some unemployment data. On Wednesday, we will review for a test over chapter 2. The test will be taken on Thursday and notes will be collected. On Friday, we will begin chapter 3. There should not be any outside homework this week.

Business Math
The chapter 5 tests went really well. I was thrilled. We will start chapter 6, sections 1-4 on Tuesday with the normal reading guide. Students have all hour to work in class and the first four sections will be due on Wednesday at the beginning of class. On Wednesday, we will start working through 6.1 and hopefully we will complete sections 6.2 and 6.3 on Thursday and Friday, with daily homework each day.

Web Page 2
Students will be making a form for a community center using the techniques they have learned from the textbook. Later in the week, we will begin talking about templates.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week of January 9 - 13

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for this week as well as a brief description of the classes that are just beginning.

Business Concepts 1
This class is considered a consumer education credit. Students will learn about real-life scenarios, such as finding a job, making smart buying decisions, filing taxes, using a checkbook, using credit cards, etc. The class is one semester in length and is a graduation requirement.

This week, we will continue taking notes on chapter 1. Study guides 1 and 2 will be due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. Study guides 3 and 4 will be due on Thursday at the beginning of class. On Friday, we will take a test over chapter 1 and I will collect chapter notes. All other work will be completed in the classroom.

Business Concepts 2
This class is an elective worth 1/2 credit. It covers economic and small business issues. This week, we will continue covering chapter 2, over economic performance and tracking such data as unemployment, inflation, GDP, etc. We will be doing activities in class and study guides will be due on Friday.

Business Math
Last week, we started chapter 5 and we should be able to wrap it up with a test on Friday. There will be daily homework as well.

Web Page 2
All work for this class will be completed in the classroom. We will start out learning a few more Dreamweaver concepts before moving in to Fireworks and Flash. This week, students will be working on creating forms within Dreamweaver.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Friday, January 6, 2012

New Year, New Semester

Welcome to 2012! I will be posting this weekend with next week's schedule.

With a week of class over, students are getting into their routines and starting to begin work for new classes.

I hope you find this blog helpful for keeping up with classroom activities.