Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of November 28 - December 2

Hi everyone,

We are in the final stretch of the first semester. There are three full weeks left of class and a week of reviewing and final exams.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
We will continue working through projects in Excel from project 2 of the textbook. Depending on how smoothly everything goes, there may be a test over the project on Friday. If not, it will be early the following week.

Business Concepts 1
We will start chapter 18 over credit on Monday. We will complete activities and take notes in class. Sections 1 and 2 study guides will be due on Friday.

Business Math
We will cover section 4.8 on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday we will review sections 6 through 8 of chapter 4 and on Friday we will have a quiz over those sections.

Business Law
On Monday, we will review chapter 6 and we will take a test over the chapter on Tuesday. I will also collect notes that day. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 7. There should be no outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week's schedule. Have a good one.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Grades - November 21

Click on image to enlarge.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week of November 21 - 23

Hi everyone,

We have a short week this week. I have been grading all weekend and will post updated grades sometime on Monday. These grades will include all assignments/tests from second quarter.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
Students will continue work on creating spreadsheets in Excel from project 2 of the book.

Business Concepts 1
We will watch a movie titled Maxed Out about the danger of using credit cards.

Business Math
We will begin covering sections 6-8 of chapter 4. There will be homework on Monday and Tuesday.

Business Law
We will continue covering chapter 6 over contract law. Study guides will be due on Wednesday.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. Check back tomorrow for grades.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of November 14 - 18

Hi everyone,

The school will be sending out progress reports at the beginning of this week. So, I will not be posting grades. I will be at a doctor's appointment Monday and at a workshop on Tuesday, so this week's schedule may change a bit, if all does not goes as planned with the substitute.

Here is the approximate schedule for the week:

Computers 1
Students will continue working on Excel - Project 2 activities. There will be no test this week.

Business Concepts 1
Students will work on checking packets on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, I will answer any questions they may have encountered while I was gone. Students will be able to take their packets home and they will be due on Thursday. Most students will have finished everything in class. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will review the chapter and on Friday, we will have a test over checking accounts.

Business Math
Students will work on review assignments this week. Worksheet packets are due at the end of the hour on Monday, and Monday's book assignment is due at the end of the hour on Tuesday. There will also be an extra credit assignment offered on Tuesday. I'm planning to have a test over sections 1-4 of chapter 4 on Thursday.

Business Law
Students will complete a writing assignment over the movie A Civil Action on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 6, which introduces contract law. There will not be any outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week of November 7 - 10

Hi everyone,

We have a four-day week this week, with Veteran's Day on Friday. I would also like to invite everyone to the VCHS Talent Show on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the high school gym. Admission is $3. We have 14 great acts this year.

I have been grading this weekend and will post updated grades sometime on Monday.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
On Monday, students will take a test over Excel - project 1. On Tuesday, they will complete Excel - project 2 reading guides. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will start working through the project together.

Business Concepts 1
We will work on checking packets all this week. Students need to bring a pencil and a blue/black ink pen every day to receive all their participation points. There will be no outside homework.

Business Math
On Monday, students will complete an open book quiz over sections 1-3 in chapter 4. On Tuesday, we will cover section 4.4. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will complete worksheets over these four sections.

Business Law
We will watch the movie A Civil Action on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will start discussing contract law. On Thursday, many students will be out of class (along with myself) for talent show practice. That day will be a study hall for the students not participating.

That's it for this week. Have a good one.