Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week of December 13-18

This is the last full week before final exams. My junior high students will be taking an end of quarter test on Monday, December 21, over memos, letters, and proofreading skills. The high school classes will have exams on the 21 and 22. For high school exams, I pass back all tests taken during the semester. We will correct the tests as a class. All questions on the exam are taken from chapter tests. All of the questions are either matching, true/false, or multiple choice. Students MUST return all tests to me before taking the final exam. If a student fails to turn in all chapter test he/she will receive a zero on the final exam.

Here is the schedule for this week:

1st and 2nd hours
We will be finishing up personal business letters and reviewing content from the entire quarter.

5th and 7th hours
On Monday and Tuesday, we will cover savings accounts. On Wednesday, we will have a small quiz over the material and I will pass back all chapter tests and we will correct them together. Thursday, I will be at a tech plan writing conference and students will be given an extra credit assignment. On Friday, we will review for the final exam.

6th hour
On Monday, students will take the chapter 8 test. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will hold "mini-debates." On Thursday, students will correct old tests, and on Friday we will have a class party.

9th hour
On Monday, we will review for our final chapter test to be taken on Tuesday. On Wednesday, students will receive all old tests and we will correct them together. On Thursday, an extra credit assignment will be provided and on Friday we will review for the final.

I think that is it for the week. This semester has flown by so quickly. This will be my last blog post until January. Next semester, I will be trying something new: posting students grades on the blog every week. Grades will be identifiable by student number to keep them anonymous. Happy holidays everyone!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week of December 7-11

The end of the semester is fast approaching. We have two more full weeks before exams on Monday and Tuesday, December 21 & 22. Here is the plan for the upcoming week:

1st and 2nd hours
We will begin personal-business letter formatting this week.

5th and 7th hours
We are now discussing credit. We will finish notes for this chapter on Wednesday, review on Thursday, and take a test over the chapter on Friday.

6th hour
We will review for a test over contract law on Monday and take a test Tuesday. We will begin a very short chapter concluding contract law and students will begin thinking about debate topics for our classroom debates next week.

9th hour
We are continuing Excel projects. No test this week. Last Friday, students made holiday cards for wounded soldiers at a military hospital in Germany using the Office program of their choice. On Monday, I will print them in color and mail them out.

Next week I will have the final update for the semester as well as discuss semester exams. Have a great week!


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Week of November 30-December 4

Hi! I hope everyone enjoyed Thanksgiving this year. Believe it or not, there are only three full weeks left in 1st semester. Here is the schedule for the upcoming week.

1st and 2nd hours
We will begin typing memos this week, with the focus still on accuracy and correct formatting.

5th and 7th hours
Checking packets will be due on Tuesday (1st) at the beginning of class. We will review Monday and Tuesday and have a test over checking accounts on Wednesday (2nd). On Thursday, we will begin a chapter on credit.

6th hour
We will begin our first chapter on contracts this week. Students will learn how contracts are formed. The remainder of the semester will focus on contract law.

9th hour
We will begin the final project of the semester this week. Students will learn about additional functions in Excel including averages, maximum, and minimum. No tests are scheduled within the next couple of weeks.

That's all for this week's update. Have a good one!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 23-25

Hi everyone. We have a short week this week! Here's the schedule:

1st and 2nd hours
Finishing up daily lessons. After break, we will start typing actual documents, first memos and then letters.

5th and 7th hours
We will continue work on the checking packets all this week. Most students will be finished before leaving for break, if they have worked well in class. For those who are not finished, they may be taken home over break. On Monday, November 30, I will answer any questions about the packets, and they will be due Tuesday, December 1. Packets are worth 150 points (equivalent of three tests!) so it is very important that they are completed. We will review on Monday and Tuesday and have a test over checking accounts on Wednesday, December 2.

6th hour
This week we will watch A Civil Action, a movie about a lawsuit involving unclean water in Woburn, Massachusetts.

9th hour
On Monday, we will review Excel - Project 1 and on Tuesday we will have a test, including written and production portions, as usual. Wednesday will be a makeup day for any students missing work.

I think that's it. Have a happy Thanksgiving and restful break!


Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 16-20

Hi everyone. Here's a schedule for this week:

1st and 2nd hours
Continuing lessons in the books. We have covered all of the letter keys now and will work on gaining speed while maintaining accuracy.

5th and 7th hours
We are working on the checking packets. Students will not have homework all of this week, as they will be worked on in class. Grades are given based on participation in class working on the packets, and for bringing a pencil and a pen (blue or black) every day.

6th hour
We are continuing torts this week. Planning on a test on Friday.

9th hour
We are officially using Excel. We worked through the first spreadsheet together last week. On Monday, students will begin their first spreadsheet on their own.

That's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week of November 9-13

I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather! Here's what is scheduled for this week.

1st and 2nd hours
Continuing lessons in the textbook and introducing new letters each day

5th and 7th hours
We will be working on Chapter 17 reading guides again on Monday. They will be due Tuesday at the beginning of class. On Tuesday, we will begin working on the checking account packets provided by First National Bank. Students will work on these in class only. It usually takes about six days of in-class work to complete.

6th hour
We are beginning a chapter on torts this week, after a bit of a delay with group presentations.

9th hour
This week we officially begin the Excel portion of the class. A brand new program for almost all students, but most enjoy it more than Word.

That's all for this week. Have a good one.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week of November 2-6

Nothing special to report this week, so I will get right to the planned activities for each class:

1st and 2nd hours
Continuing book lessons with the introduction of several new keys each day

5th and 7th hours
On Monday, students will finish their budget webquests. We will review on Tuesday and have a test on Wednesday. This has been a short chapter. I will also collect the two sections of notes on Wednesday. Thursday we will begin a chapter on checking accounts.

6th hour
Students are finishing up their criminal trials projects, which will be presented on Tuesday. Next, we start a chapter on civil law.

9th hour
On Monday, students will have time to finish all Word - Project 3 assignments that they may still be working on. Tuesday, we will review and Wednesday, we will have a test over this project. On Thursday, we will begin working in Microsoft Excel. Generally, I have found that students enjoy the Excel portion of the class more than the Word portion.

That's all for this week. Check in next weekend for next week's post!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week of October 26-30

Hi everyone. A couple of things before I let you know what we will be doing in class this week.

As I mentioned last week, the first quarter ended on Friday. Many students have been out sick in the last couple of weeks and I am missing quite a few assignments/tests from these students. Report cards will be printed Monday afternoon. Any assignments/tests not made up by that time will be entered as zeroes. But, students with excused absences will still be able to make up work after that time and the zeroes will be replaced with the proper scores. So, if your child has been absent recently, don't panic if report card grades are lower than expected. Also, if your child did not pass 1st quarter, please tell him/her not to give up on me! By receiving a passing grade for the 2nd quarter and the final exam, he/she can still pass the class. I've had it happen many times.

Okay, on to this week's activities:

1st & 2nd hour
A new group of kids this week. We will start with a timing to see how fast everyone is typing right now and then start with the basics.

5th and 7th hour
Having just finished a chapter on taxes, now we will move onto budgeting. Students will complete a webquest where they find out how much it costs to live. They are often surprised! No test this week. All assignments should be completed in class..

6th hour
Students will start a group project about a famous criminal trial. They will be required to research the trial, write a paper, create a PowerPoint and present to the class. We will work on these all week with a tentative presentation date of Tuesday, November 3.

9th hour
We are continuing resumes and cover letters. No test this week as we continue working on book exercises.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Parent Technology Survey

Hi everyone,

I am on a committee writing our district technology plan for the year. This plan helps our district receive funds for technology. We are trying to better understand student, parent, and teacher attitudes towards technology.

If you have a free minute, please take this parent technology survey: It should only take about five minutes of your time and your opinions will be very helpful to those of us on the committee.



Saturday, October 17, 2009

Upcoming Week: October 19-23

We are getting ready to start the final week of the 1st quarter. I have been really happy with student work and tests the last week. I think everyone is trying hard to end the quarter on a good note. Here's what to expect this week:

1st and 2nd hours
This is the last week of Computers for these students. On the 26th, students will move to their next humanities class. This week, we will review what we have learned during the quarter and take a test on Thursday. Students will receive a study guide this week to prepare for the test. Friday will be a free day to celebrate a quarter of hard work!

5th and 7th hours
Last week, we started a chapter on taxes. Students learned about filing income taxes and we completed two 1040EZ tax returns together. On Friday, students worked independently on two more 1040EZs and sections 1 and 2 study guides. Most students completed these in class. If not, they are due on Monday at the beginning of class. A test is scheduled for Friday, October 26. Sections 3 and 4 study guides will be due on Wednesday.

6th hour
Last week, we start Chapter 4 on criminal law. After discussing the different classifications of offenses, students spent two days exploring the Illinois Criminal Code. We will continue the chapter and take a test towards the end of the week.

9th hour
On Wednesday, students took the test over MLA reports. Overall, I was thrilled with the results. On Friday, students completed a reading guide over resumes and cover letters and we will begin creating them in Word on Monday. No tests are scheduled at this time.

Have a great week everyone...cross your fingers for some sunshine!


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Upcoming week: October 12-16

The end of the 1st quarter is almost here! It is especially important for students to work hard to keep up (or bring up) their grades at this time. Here's what is going on in all classes this week:

1st and 2nd hours
These classes will only meet for two more weeks. This week we will continue typing personal business letter and memos. Next week, we will review and take a test over what was learned during the quarter.

5th and 7th hours
We finished up the chapter about careers on Wednesday with a test. I was really happy with the test results. On Thursday, students were given an in-class extra credit assignment. Everyone's grade should get a little boost with those points added. This week, we will begin a chapter about everyone's favorite topic...taxes! Students will learn about paycheck withholdings and will learn how to file a 1040EZ form. I will hand out a study guide packet this week, but it will not be due until next week sometime. I will give a definite date next week.

6th hour
We finished the chapter over court systems with a test on Thursday. Each student researched a Supreme Court justice and I'm hoping some will volunteer to tell us about their justice on Tuesday. This week we will start the chapter over criminal law, which students usually find interesting. The chapter will end with a group project and presentation over a famous criminal trial.

9th hour
Last week, we finished typing MLA reports. On Tuesday, we will review the chapter and on Wednesday we will take a test. For the test, students will have a written portion and a production portion. For the production portion, they will be required to open a typed report and apply the required MLA formatting. Then on Thursday, we will start learning how to format resumes and cover letters.

I think that's all for this week. Hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend!


Monday, October 5, 2009

New E-mail Policy

In the past, I have sent e-mails each week to a few parents about their child's progress, when requested. So many parents expressed interest in this at conferences (which is great!) that I'm going to change the way I do things, to make things a bit less busy.

Each week, I will continue to post upcoming events on the blog. If you would like to know your child's grade at any given point, please feel free to e-mail me and I will get back with you (usually in less than 24 hours). If your child's grades begin to decline or I have any other concerns, I will contact you by e-mail or phone.

Thanks and keep in touch!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Upcoming week: October 5-9

Hi everyone,

I have been away from school Thursday and Friday at a workshop. If you e-mailed me during this time, I will respond on Monday. I have a lot of grading to get through this weekend and will have updated grades on Monday morning. The high school will be printing and sending progress reports home on Monday afternoon. This next week is a short one for students, with the teacher's institute being held on Friday. Here are the upcoming events for each class:

1st and 2nd hours
We will be starting personal business letters this week. Only three more weeks left of this class and students will be on their way to their next humanities class.

5th and 7th hours
On Monday, we will complete our last career activity. Tuesday, we will review for the test and Wednesday we will take the test over the careers chapter. I will also collect notes on Wednesday. On Thursday I'm planning something a bit different...I haven't quite decided, yet.

6th hour
The students are currently researching one of the nine United States Supreme Court justices. Each student will make a mini presentation this week on his/her research. Ideally, we will take a test on Thursday over chapter 3. I will collect notes the day of the test.

9th hour
We will finish up reports this week. The test over reports will be Wednesday, October 14th, with review the previous day. Next, we will start resumes and cover letters.

Again, if you have any questions/comments, please e-mail me.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

An Experiment

Thanks for visiting! I'm trying the use of a blog as a tool to reach both parents and students. I hope this site becomes a valuable resource for you. Over time, I hope to add links to websites that we use in class as well as sites that I just find helpful. Eventually, you will find them over to the right.

Thursday and Friday were parent-teacher conferences. I enjoyed meeting many parents and hope to see some of you here online. I plan to arrange my updates by class hour, so ask your child when he/she has me in class if don't already know.

1st/2nd hours (8th grade computers)
This week we finished up reviewing the letter keys. On Monday, we will start typing memos and students will receive a keyboard worksheet. We will have a quiz on Wednesday over the keyboard.

5th/7th hours (Business concepts)
We are currently in a chapter about careers. Last week, students took an interest survey to help them look at potential careers. We also visited to look at various help wanted ads. Students have picked out two careers of interest and researched them. This coming week, we will fill out practice applications and discuss interviewing. Students will be receiving study guides sometime this week with a tentative due date of Friday, October 2. A test over careers is tentatively scheduled for October 6.

6th hour (Business law)
Last week, students made PowerPoints about Internet law and looked at their first Supreme Court case brief. This week, we will discuss both federal and state court systems. A test over the chapter is planned for sometime the week of October 6.

9th hour (Software applications)
Last week, we started MLA reports. Students are not required to write the report, but type a given report properly formatted using headers, footnotes, work cited page, etc. Most students find it very helpful later in their English classes. No test this coming up week and probably not the next either. I'll keep you posted.

That's it for my first classroom blog post. Please e-mail me for specific questions about your student's progress or for clarification on anything. Thanks!