Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week of May 20 - 24

Hi everyone,

I apologize for not posting last weekend. My sister got married and I seem to have totally forgotten my blog. This will be my last blog post of the year. My classes have been great this semester and I hope the classes have been a positive experience for everyone.

The final exams for my classes are made up of questions from chapter tests. All questions are multiple choice, matching, true/false, or fill-in-the-blank with a word bank. The Computers 1 exam also includes production portions in Word and Excel.

On Monday, all chapter tests will be returned to students and we will correct them in class. These tests must be returned to me on the day of the final exam (or before) or the exam grade will be docked 50%. Students are not required to take chapter tests home.

That's it for this year. I hope everyone has a fantastic summer.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week of May 6 - 10

Hi everyone,

Last full week of class for seniors and three more weeks for everyone else. Here is what I have planned for this week:

Computers 1
Students will continue working on using absolute references in Excel worksheets this week. On Wednesday, we will review and on Thursday we will take a test over the chapter.

Business Concepts
We will finish up the chapter on saving and investing this week. On Tuesday, study guides 1 and 2 are due and on Wednesday, study guides 3 and 4 are due. We will review on Wednesday and take a test over the chapter on Thursday. I will also collect notes that day.

Last week, students started using, which is an online stock market simulation. Stocks are checked every day in class and many students are really getting in to the experience. At the end of the day on May 10, I will see who has made the most money in each class. The top three earners will receive extra credit points.

Also, if you check TeacherEase, you may have noticed that I removed the credit video assignment. I decided not to grade these, as we had many technical difficulties and students were becoming frustrated with the performance of the software we were using to edit. I'll have to try something different next year if I decide to do videos.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!