Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last post of the semester

Hi everyone,

As grades are now available to parents on STI Online, I won't be posting them here any longer. If you have any questions about accessing grades through STI, please contact the office.

This will be my last post for the semester. A quick note before I do the weekly schedule:

In Computers 1, Business Concepts 1, and Business Law on Monday, December 19 I will pass back all chapter tests. We will correct them and discuss what will be on the final exam. We will continue to review on Tuesday. These tests must be returned to me on the day of the final exam. If tests are not returned, the final exam grade will only be worth 50% of the earned score.

Any student in any class who would like his/her old tests back early just needs to ask. I've found that most students don't study until right before the final so I delay handing them back. But, I'd be happy to hand them back early to anyone who asks.

Computers 1
We will continue working on project 3 activities in Excel. There will not be a test over this chapter.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will cover section 19.4. Study guides for chapter 19 will be due on Tuesday. We will grade these in class and review the chapter. On Wednesday, we will take a test over chapter 19 and I will collect notes. On Thursday and Friday, students will work with a partner on Powerpoints reviewing important concepts from the semester.

Business Math
We will continue working on review guides and activities over chapters 1-4 to prepare for the final exam. These will be turned in for homework points.

Business Law
This week, students will prepare for debates. They will pick topics and prepare Monday-Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday the debates will take place.

I think that's it for this semester. Have a wonderful break. Happy holidays!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Week of December 5 - 9

Hi everyone,

I've been grading this weekend and will post grades sometime on Monday. We have two weeks and exam week before the end of the semester.

I have decided to give all of my classes a fun extra credit assignment. I've never given extra credit that didn't relate the subject of the class, but decided to make an exception. On Tuesday, December 6, I'm turning 30 (gasp!). That day, if a student wears a t-shirt made for my birthday, I will give him/her 15 extra credit points. Some suggestions from students were: RIP Mrs. Dunn's Twenties, It's All Downhill from Here, etc. Doesn't have to be anything elaborate (just a plain T with markers would be fine) but it does have to be worn all day.

Ok, on to the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
We will start working through Excel Project 3 together. This a long project and will probably take several days. On Friday, we are having a December birthday party. Almost half of the students in the class have birthdays in December, so we decided to celebrate this strange coincidence.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will take notes over sections 3 and 4. Study guides for these sections will be due on Tuesday. We will grade them in class and review the chapter. On Wednesday, we will have a test over chapter 18 and I will collect notes. On Thursday and Friday, we will begin chapter 19.

Business Math
In this class, we are all experiencing some frustration. I'm frustrated at students copying each others' work and they are frustrated about not understanding some of the concepts. So, at least for the remainder of the semester, no work will be taken home. All homework will be done individually in class with my help. I haven't figured out the best way to keep the copying from happening, but maybe this will help.

This week, we are going to continue going over chapter 4, sections 6-8 with the quiz on Tuesday or Wednesday. Then, we will start reviewing for the final exam.

Business Law
We are going to start chapter 8 on Monday and take a test over the chapter on Friday. It's a quick one! I will also collect notes on Friday. There shouldn't be any outside homework.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week of November 28 - December 2

Hi everyone,

We are in the final stretch of the first semester. There are three full weeks left of class and a week of reviewing and final exams.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
We will continue working through projects in Excel from project 2 of the textbook. Depending on how smoothly everything goes, there may be a test over the project on Friday. If not, it will be early the following week.

Business Concepts 1
We will start chapter 18 over credit on Monday. We will complete activities and take notes in class. Sections 1 and 2 study guides will be due on Friday.

Business Math
We will cover section 4.8 on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday we will review sections 6 through 8 of chapter 4 and on Friday we will have a quiz over those sections.

Business Law
On Monday, we will review chapter 6 and we will take a test over the chapter on Tuesday. I will also collect notes that day. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 7. There should be no outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week's schedule. Have a good one.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Grades - November 21

Click on image to enlarge.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week of November 21 - 23

Hi everyone,

We have a short week this week. I have been grading all weekend and will post updated grades sometime on Monday. These grades will include all assignments/tests from second quarter.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
Students will continue work on creating spreadsheets in Excel from project 2 of the book.

Business Concepts 1
We will watch a movie titled Maxed Out about the danger of using credit cards.

Business Math
We will begin covering sections 6-8 of chapter 4. There will be homework on Monday and Tuesday.

Business Law
We will continue covering chapter 6 over contract law. Study guides will be due on Wednesday.

Have a great Thanksgiving everyone. Check back tomorrow for grades.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of November 14 - 18

Hi everyone,

The school will be sending out progress reports at the beginning of this week. So, I will not be posting grades. I will be at a doctor's appointment Monday and at a workshop on Tuesday, so this week's schedule may change a bit, if all does not goes as planned with the substitute.

Here is the approximate schedule for the week:

Computers 1
Students will continue working on Excel - Project 2 activities. There will be no test this week.

Business Concepts 1
Students will work on checking packets on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, I will answer any questions they may have encountered while I was gone. Students will be able to take their packets home and they will be due on Thursday. Most students will have finished everything in class. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will review the chapter and on Friday, we will have a test over checking accounts.

Business Math
Students will work on review assignments this week. Worksheet packets are due at the end of the hour on Monday, and Monday's book assignment is due at the end of the hour on Tuesday. There will also be an extra credit assignment offered on Tuesday. I'm planning to have a test over sections 1-4 of chapter 4 on Thursday.

Business Law
Students will complete a writing assignment over the movie A Civil Action on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will start chapter 6, which introduces contract law. There will not be any outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Week of November 7 - 10

Hi everyone,

We have a four-day week this week, with Veteran's Day on Friday. I would also like to invite everyone to the VCHS Talent Show on Thursday at 7 p.m. in the high school gym. Admission is $3. We have 14 great acts this year.

I have been grading this weekend and will post updated grades sometime on Monday.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
On Monday, students will take a test over Excel - project 1. On Tuesday, they will complete Excel - project 2 reading guides. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will start working through the project together.

Business Concepts 1
We will work on checking packets all this week. Students need to bring a pencil and a blue/black ink pen every day to receive all their participation points. There will be no outside homework.

Business Math
On Monday, students will complete an open book quiz over sections 1-3 in chapter 4. On Tuesday, we will cover section 4.4. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will complete worksheets over these four sections.

Business Law
We will watch the movie A Civil Action on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, we will start discussing contract law. On Thursday, many students will be out of class (along with myself) for talent show practice. That day will be a study hall for the students not participating.

That's it for this week. Have a good one.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week of October 31 - November 4

Hi everyone,

I've been grading this weekend and will post grades sometime on Monday. These grades will only be for second quarter.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Computers 1
Students will continue using Excel to organize data and create charts. There will not be a test this week.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, students will be given a reading guide for chapter 17, over checking accounts. This will be worked on Monday in class, and will be due on Tuesday.

On Tuesday, we will start working through checking packets provided by First National Bank. The packets will not go home. Students will work on them in class each day and will receive participation points for working. Each day, students need to bring a blue or black pen and a pencil.

Business Math
Students will work on the chapter 4 reading guide on Monday (sections 1-5 only) and it will be due on Tuesday. On Tuesday, we will begin working through chapter 4. There will be daily homework with no test this week.

Business Law
We will continue taking notes on chapter 5, over civil law. Students are completing a listening activity over civil court cases. Chapter study guides will be due on Thursday, and a test over the chapter is planned for Friday.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week of October 24 - 28

Hi everyone,

This week starts the beginning of the second quarter. Grade reports will be mailed on Monday or Tuesday, so I will not be posting grades here this week. I will resume grade posting next week.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week. Also, a reminder that there is no school on Friday.

Computers 1
We started using Excel on Friday. We will continue working through the first project as a class to become familiar with the new program. Then, students will work on creating spreadsheets on their own. There will be no tests this week.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will finish the notes for chapter 16 and begin a budget webquest. On Tuesday, chapter 16 study guides are due. On Wednesday, we will review, and on Thursday we will take a test over chapter 16. I will also collect notes that day.

Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday we will continue practicing problems from sections 3.6 and 3.7. On Wednesday, we will have a quiz over these sections. On Thursday, we will work on reading guides for chapter 4.

Business Law
We will begin chapter 5 over civil law this week. We will be working on activities in class and taking notes. There should not be any outside homework.

Have a great week.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Grades - October 17

There has been a slight change to the business math schedule. We will be covering section 3.5 and reviewing on Monday. Then we will have a test over sections 1-5 on Tuesday. On Wednesday, students will work on reading guides and we will start covering sections 6 and 7 on Thursday and Friday.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week of October 17 - 21

Hi everyone,

This is the last week of the first quarter, so it is crunch-time to get grades up. I have been grading this weekend. I will input the grades tomorrow and post grades on here sometime tomorrow afternoon. Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we will review and on Tuesday, we will take a test over Word - Project 3. There will be a written portion and a production portion. On Wednesday, we will begin with the first project in Excel.

Business Concepts 1
On Monday, we will review and on Tuesday, we will take a test over taxes. I will also collect notes that day. Wednesday will be an "end of taxes free day" because this chapter is the most difficult that we cover all semester. On Thursday and Friday we will be starting the next chapter which is about budgeting.

Business Math
On Monday, we will cover section 3.5. On Tuesday and Wednesday we will review these sections and then on Thursday take a test over them. On Friday, we will begin covering section 3.6.

Business Law
On Monday, students will be working on their criminal trial projects. I'm hoping to start presentations on Tuesday, but we will see if the students are ready. If not, we will postpone them a couple of days. If the presentations happen earlier in the week, we will begin covering civil law later in the week. There will be no outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Week of October 10 - 14

I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend. Here is the schedule for the upcoming four day week.

Computers 1
We will continue creating resumes and cover letters. No test this week.

Business Concepts
Study guides 1 & 2 are due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. We will continue working on tax activities for the remainder of the week. Study guides 3 & 4 will be due on Friday. There should not be any other outside homework.

Business Math
We will begin covering sections 1 through 5 of chapter 3, over checking accounts. There will be daily homework, but no test this week.

Business Law
Students will begin working on group projects about famous criminal trials. The project includes a paper, Powerpoint and group presentation. We will work on these all week and hopefully will begin presentations early next week. If students use their time wisely, they should be able to finish everything in class.

I think that's it for this week. We only have this week and next until the end of the 1st quarter. It's time for the final push to get grades up.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Week of October 3 - 7

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for next week. We have a four-day week with a teacher's institute on Friday.

Computers 1
We will continue working through Word - Project 3 over resumes and cover letters. No test this week.

Business Concepts 1
We will begin taxes this week. Students will fill out W-4 forms and hopefully we will begin filling out 1040EZ forms by the end of the week. There should not be any outside homework.

Business Math
We will continue sections 2.4 - 2.6, with review on Tuesday and Wednesday. We will take a quiz over these three sections on Thursday. There will be daily homework Monday-Wednesday.

Business Law
We will continue chapter 4. I had hoped to have study guides due on Monday, but instead they will be due on Wednesday. We will review Wednesday and take a test over the chapter on Thursday.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Grades - September 30

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Week of September 26 - 30

Hi everyone,

This week we have parent/teacher conferences on Thursday evening and on Friday afternoon. I hope to meet you there. Here is the schedule for upcoming week:

Computers 1
On Monday, we will review and on Tuesday we will take a test over Word - Project 2. There will be a written and a production portion on the test. On Wednesday and Thursday we will work on the reading guide for Word -Project 3 over resumes and cover letters. On Friday, I hope to start working through the first resume and cover letter together.

Business Concepts
On Monday and Tuesday a representative from Land of Lincoln Credit Union is doing a mini-workshop on financial literacy. This is the first time I have done this and I hope it is valuable for the students. On Wednesday, we will review for the chapter 9 test and on Thursday we will take the test and I will collect notes. As I will not see both business concepts classes on Friday, 4th hour will have a study hall that day.

Business Math
We will cover sections 4.4-4.6 Monday - Wednesday. I'm hoping to have a quiz over the sections on Thursday, but we will see if everyone is ready. These sections tend to go much more smoothly than the first three dealing with income taxes.

Business Law
We will continue taking notes over chapter 4 this week. There should not be outside homework this week. Chapter 4 study guides will be due on Monday, October 3.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one and I hope to see you at conferences!


Friday, September 23, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week of September 19 - 23

Hi everyone,

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week.

Computers 1
We will be typing reports all week. There will be no tests or outside assignments this week.

Business Concepts
On Monday and Tuesday we will be taking notes and doing career research. On Wednesday, study guides 9.1 and 9.2 are due at the beginning of class. We will continue taking notes and practicing job skills, such as filling out applications, for the rest of the week. Study guides 9.3 and 9.4 will be due Monday, September 26.

Business Math
On Monday and Tuesday we will review sections 2.1-2.3. There will be a worksheet for homework on Monday. On Wednesday, we will take a test over these sections. On Thursday, students will complete the reading guide for sections 2.4-2.6 and on Friday we will begin section 2.4.

Business Law
On Monday, chapter 3 study guides are due. On Tuesday, we will take a test over chapter 3. Wednesday - Friday we will begin covering chapter 4 over criminal law.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Grades - September 16

Here are the grades as of September 16. These are newer than the progress reports handed out this morning.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Week of September 12 - 16

Hi everyone,

Here's the schedule for the upcoming week:

Computers 1
We will begin typing reports in MLA format using the Word tools designed for this purpose. Students do not have to actually write their own reports. Instead, they type the reports given and learn how to use the tools. Hopefully this will be a help with English papers.

Business Concepts
On Monday, the study guides for sections 15.1 and 15.2 are due and we will take notes over section 15.3. On Tuesday, study guide 15.3 is due and we will review the chapter. On Wednesday, we will take a test over chapter 15 and I will collect chapter notes. Students will have all study guides by the end of the hour on Tuesday so that they can study. On Thursday and Friday, we will begin chapter 9 about careers and finding a job.

Business Math
On Monday, students will complete the reading guide for chapter 2, sections 1-3. For the remainder of the week, we will cover these three sections. This chapter is a bit long, so I have divided it into two parts. There will be daily homework but no test this week.

Business Law
On Monday and Tuesday, students will create Powerpoints covering the main points of section 2.3 in the textbook. The section covers the sticky topic of jurisdiction in a technology-driven world. Wednesday-Friday we will begin covering chapter 3 about the court system. There should not be any outside homework this week.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Friday, September 9, 2011

Grades - September 9

Here are the grades as of September 9. These do not include the business law tests taken Friday afternoon. I will post sometime this weekend with next week's schedule.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Week of September 5 - 9

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of September 2nd. I do not have any assignments for business law graded. I will be doing that this weekend. If you don't know your child's ID number, please send me an e-mail.

Next week is a short week and it is also Homecoming. Here is what we have planned:

Computers 1
On Monday we will review the chapter. On Tuesday, we will take a test over Word - Project 1 over flyers. There will be a written portion and a production portion. On Wednesday and Thursday we will work on reading guides for the chapter.

Business Concepts
We will continue chapter 15. Students will use the Better Business Bureau website on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, they will create PowerPoints about identity theft. On Friday, we will continue with chapter notes. 15.1 and 15.2 study guides will be due on Monday, September 12.

Business Math
On Tuesday, we will review chapter 1. On Wednesday, we will take a test over the chapter. On Thursday, there is a homecoming assembly during 6th hour. On Friday, we will start the reading guides for chapter 2.

Business Law
On Tuesday, we will finish the movie about Bernie Madoff. On Wednesday, we will review chapter 1. On Thursday, we will take a test over chapter 1. I will also collect notes on this day.

Have a great long weekend!


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Week of August 29 - September 2

Hi everyone,

Well, we made it through the first week. We have one more week of 2:15 dismissals before we are on the regular schedule. Right now, the afternoon classes seem pretty rushed but hopefully after this week, students will have more opportunity to complete work in class and ask questions, if needed.

I don't have any grades to post this week. I am doing grading this weekend and will post the first set of grades next weekend. They will be posted by student ID number. If you need your child's ID number, please feel free to e-mail me.

Here is the planned schedule for the upcoming week. Each week I post what I hope to accomplish during the next week. But, sometimes things go more slowly or more quickly than what I had planned. If you need more specific information about anything, don't hesitate to contact me.

Computers I
We will continue creating flyers in class. Students will complete flyers in the textbook and towards the end of the week will design a flyer for events of their choice. There will not be outside homework for this class as all textbooks stay in the room and I don't expect students to have the necessary software at home. The only outside work would be studying for tests.

Business Concepts
On Monday, all chapter 1 study guides are due. We will grade these in class on Monday and review. On Tuesday, we will take a test over chapter 1 and I will collect chapter notes. On Wednesday, we will begin chapter 15 about consumer protection. There should not be any additional outside homework.

Business Math
After a week of review, we will begin covering the sections in chapter 1. I hope to cover a section a day and there will be daily homework problems. With the shortened class periods, it is likely that many students will need to take some work home.

Business Law
Last week we began chapter 1 about law basics. We have talked about a variety of current events as they relate to law. The class is doing a great job of participating and voicing opinions in a respectful way. I love teaching this class and I hope it will be a fun semester. On Monday and Tuesday, students will look at an actual court case about jurisdiction. On Wednesday and Thursday we will discuss ethics. Chapter study guides will be due on Friday.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.


Monday, August 22, 2011

A New School Year

Welcome to a new year at VCHS! Here on the blog I will be posting classroom activities, assignments, and tests as well as updated grades. Grades will be given by student number to maintain anonymity. This is our first full week of classes and it will involve introductions and getting used to the routine. There shouldn't be a great deal of outside work this first week. I'll post more specific information later.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Grades - May 20

Week of May 23-27

Hi everyone,

This will be my last schedule post for the school year. Business math and web page 2 finished on Monday when the seniors took their exams, so business concepts is the only class that needs an update.

On Monday and Tuesday, students will work in groups to create PowerPoints titled "The Ten Most Important Things I Learned in Business Concepts." This assignment is worth 40 points and will be the last grade taken, other than the final exam. I will also begin collecting textbooks on Monday.

On Wednesday, I will pass back all chapter tests taken during the semester. We will correct them in class and I will go over which questions are likely to be on the exam. On Thursday, we will finish correcting exams, if needed, and then calculate averages. Friday is the first exam day.

The final exam is comprised of 150 questions taken from the chapter tests. All questions are either multiple choice, matching, or true/false. There are no surprises. All chapter tests will need to be turned back into me the day of the final exam.

I will post grades later this afternoon.

Thanks for reading the blog this year. I hope it has been a valuable resource for you. Have a great summer break!


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Week of May 16 - 20

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of May 13:

On Monday, all students in business math and web page 2 will take the final exam. This will be the end of these classes for the year and there will not be any further updates. If you would like to know your child's grade on the exam or for the semester, please e-mail me.

For business concepts, there will not be any further tests this year. We will be completing activities in class that emphasize what we have learned throughout the semester. We will make posters about some of the most common financial mistakes people make and we will be playing "Financial Football" online. All work should be completed in class for the rest of the school year. Most grades will be participation based.

I'll post more next weekend about the final exam and the review process.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!


Friday, May 6, 2011

Grades - May 6

Week of May 9 - 13

Hi everyone,

Next week is the last full week for seniors. Seniors are scheduled to take their exams on Monday, May 16. Business math has one junior and web page 2 has three juniors. These students will take their exams on the same day as the seniors. Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
On Monday, chapter 19 study guides are due. Students will read an article about investing basics and complete a worksheet. On Tuesday, we will review for the test. On Wednesday, we will take a test over chapter 19. On Thursday and Friday, we will complete an online simulation about budgeting. Seniors in business concepts will receive all of the chapter tests from the semester to use as study guides for their exam on May 16th.

Business Math
We will review with exam study guides Monday-Thursday. On Friday, students will take the concepts portion of the semester exam. On Monday, May 16, they will complete the math problem portion of the test.

Web Page 2
On Monday and Tuesday, students will work on a redesign of the high school's main sports page. On Wednesday, students will receive a study guide for the final exam and we will review the rest of the week.

I think that's it for this week. I will have grades posted sometime before Monday.

Have a great weekend!


Friday, April 29, 2011

Week of May 2-6

Hi everyone,

As of this week, seniors have two more weeks of school. All other students have four weeks left. Progress reports are being sent home on Monday, May 2 and grades haven't really changed since the last time I posted, so I will not be posting them here this week.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
We will continue chapter 19 over savings and investments. There will be notes and an activity each day. All activities should be completed in class. All study guides will be due, Monday, May 9.

Business Math
We didn't get quite as far as I had hoped last week. We will cover section 8.5 on Monday, review on Tuesday and take a test over chapter 8 on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday we will start reviewing for the final exam.

Web Page 2
On Monday, students will begin creating a web page about a fellow classmate. I will pick partners and hopefully we will all learn something about each other!

That's it for this week, have a great weekend!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week of April 26 - 29

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is enjoying spring break. It has certainly been a wet one! I will post current grades sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday. This week will probably be a bit hectic. All juniors will be out of class on Wednesday and Thursday taking the PSAE and band students returning from the DC trip will be making up work. Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
We will watch a documentary called Maxed Out about credit card debt Tuesday-Thursday. That way, those taking the PSAE will not have work to make up. Band students will take their missed tests on Tuesday during class. On Friday, we will start discussing savings accounts.

Business Math
We will be using Microsoft Excel to create different types of graphs, which goes along with sections 8.3 and 8.4 in the textbook. This will take a few days and then I plan to cover section 8.5 on Friday.

Web Page 2
We will continue working in Flash and learning more animation skills.

I think that's it for this week. Stay dry out there!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Grades - April 15

Hi everyone,

The blog post is early this week. Here are the grades as of April 15:

Here is the schedule for the upcoming short week:

Business Concepts
On Monday, chapter 18 study guides are due. We will review and grade the study guides. On Tuesday, we will take a test over chapter 18. Wednesday is scheduled as a makeup day for anyone who is missing work or needs to take the test.

Business Math
We will begin covering the sections in chapter 8. There will be homework on Monday and Tuesday.

Web Page 2
We will continuing working through the Flash program together.

I think that's it for this week. Have a great weekend!


Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week of April 11-15

Hi everyone,

I'm grading like crazy this weekend, with about 60 checking packets and tests in front of me. Ideally, I will have all of them graded by Monday with grades posted here sometime that day. But, it might be Tuesday.

For now, here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
We will start chapter 18, over using credit. I think this is a really important chapter because it is so easy to get into trouble with credit, especially when you are young. We will take notes and complete an activity each day. I'm planning on all of the study guides being due on Monday, April 18. There should not be any other work taken home.

Business Math
We will finish section 7.8 on Monday and complete section 7.9, review Tuesday and Wednesday, and take a test over sections 7.7-7.9 on Thursday. On Friday, we will start a reading guide for chapter 8, to be due on Monday, April 18.

Web Page 2
We will begin learning Adobe Flash, an animation program, on Monday.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Friday, April 1, 2011

Grades - April 1

Week of April 4-8

Hi everyone,

I'm putting this week's post up early. I will be posting grades later today. The grades will only include work from 4th quarter.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
We will continue to work in class on the checking packets. Students will receive participation points each day for working and bringing a pencil and a pen to class. I think the packets will probably be due on Friday. But, I want to wait and see how each class is progressing before I set a definite due date. Almost all students will complete their projects in class. The completed packet is worth 150 points.

Business Math
Students will work on the reading guide for sections 7.7-7.9 on Monday. On Tuesday, we will begin covering each section. There will be daily homework. I don't plan to have a test this week.

Web Page 2
We will continue using Fireworks this week. On Monday, students will begin creating a menu with drop-down options. Later in the week, they will create a menu of their own design.

I think that's it for this week. I will get the grades up later today. Have a great weekend!


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week of March 28 - April 1

Hi everyone,

Well, last week was not a very productive one at all for my classes. With my health issues, late school play practices, and school-wide computer issues, it doesn't feel like we accomplished much at all. So, we will be starting fresh on Monday. I will post grades for the first time for 4th quarter next weekend. Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
On Monday, we will begin discussing checking accounts. Students have completed the reading guides for this chapter and we will begin correcting them as well as start on the checking packets. These packets are provided by First National Bank and usually take about two weeks to complete. All work will be done in class and students will receive participation points for working each day. The completed packet is worth 150 points (about the same as three chapter tests).

Business Math
We will review section 7.5 on Monday, complete section 7.6 on Tuesday and Wednesday, review on Thursday, and have a test over sections 7.4-7.6 on Friday.

Web Page 2
This class has been affected the most by the computer issues. For the last week, students have not had access to student folders on the network. This means we haven't begun the chapter on Fireworks as planned. Hopefully the network will be up and running on Monday and we will be able to begin this chapter.

I think that's all for this week. Have a good one!


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Week of March 20-25

Hi everyone,

Last week's schedule was slowed a bit because of some health problems I'm having. I'm hoping to be back at work Monday as we start the 4th quarter. Grade reports should go out early this week, so I will not be posting grades on the blog.

Here is schedule for this week:

Business Concepts 1
On Monday and Tuesday, students will work in groups on advertisements for checking accounts at various financial institutions in Vandalia. On Wednesday-Friday will we watch a movie. There will not be any outside homework.

Business Math
We will begin working through sections 7.4-7.6 with homework each day. No tests are planned for this week.

Web Page
We will start using the program Fireworks this week. Students will learn how to create buttons and navigation bars.

I would also like to invite everyone to the high school play, A Haunting We Will Go on Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. in the high school gym. Everyone has been working very hard and I think it will be a great show.

Have a great week!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Week of March 14-18

Hi everyone,

This is the last week of 3rd quarter. I will be grading this weekend and will get grades posted sometime on Monday.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
On Monday, we will review for a test over chapter 16. On Tuesday, we will take the test and I will grade chapter notes. Wednesday-Friday we will work on reading guides for chapter 17 in class. The chapter 16 test and notes and the chapter 17 reading guide will be the last grades for the quarter.

Business Math
We will review sections 7.1-7.3 on Monday and take a test over the three sections on Tuesday. Wednesday-Friday we will cover sections 7.4-7.6 with daily homework being assigned. The test and the daily homework will be the last grades for the quarter.

Web Page 2
Students are continuing to work on museum projects this week. This will be the last grade of the quarter. I really like what I am seeing so far!

I think that is it for this week. I hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Week of March 7-11

Hi everyone,

I'm grading tests this weekend and will have new grades posted sometime on Monday evening. The end of the 3rd quarter is on March 18. It was moved back because of all the snow days. Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
The taxes chapter took an extra day than I planned for, so we will have our end-of-taxes free day on Monday. Tuesday we will begin a chapter on budgeting. It is very short so the two-page study guide will be due on Friday at the beginning of class. All other work will be completed in class. I am planning on a test over the chapter on Tuesday, March 15.

Business Math
We will begin covering the sections in chapter 7 on Monday. There will be daily homework. I'm planning on a quiz over sections 1-3 on Tuesday, March 15.

Web Page 2
Students will work on their museum projects all week. I think they are doing a great job and I love all the creativity that I've seen so far.

I think that's it for this week. I will get the grades posted ASAP.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week of February 28 - March 5

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of Friday, February 25:

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts

On Monday, students will complete a tax tutorial provided by the IRS. On Tuesday, study guides for sections 1 and 2 will be due at the beginning of class and we will take notes over sections 3 and 4. The study guides for sections 3 and 4 will be due on Wednesday at the beginning of class and we will review that day. On Thursday, we will take a test over taxes. On Friday, we will have a free day to celebrate surviving a chapter about taxes!

Business Math

On Monday and Tuesday, we will review sections 5-8 and have a test over the sections on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, students will work on reading guides for chapter 7. These will be due Monday at the beginning of class.

Web Page 2

We will continue working through project 8 in the textbook, which we started last week. Towards the end of the week, we should start the Dreamweaver review project, where students make a website for a museum that they create.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Week of February 21-25

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades for this week:

We have a few weeks left in the third quarter. I honestly don't know the actual last day. It was pushed back due to the snow days. But, it is getting close and it's really time to start that final push to improve grades.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
All classes will take a test over chapter 9 (careers) on Monday. I will also collect notes that day. On Tuesday, we will start a chapter on taxes. Students will learn how to fill out a 1040EZ. This is a great time to be covering taxes with income tax day looming and many students with part-time jobs. There should be no outside homework this week.

Business Math
We will begin covering sections 5-8 of chapter 6. There will be homework assigned each day.

Webpage 2
We are covering AP elements and behaviors. Students will create their own webpage with these elements. The store projects were finished last week and I was very impressed with all of the creativity!

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Week of February 14-21

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of February 11:

Click on the picture to enlarge.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts
On Friday, we started career research. We will work on this all day on Monday. Study guides 9.1 and 9.2 will be due on Tuesday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, we will take notes over sections 9.3 and 9.4. These study guides will be due on Thursday. On Thursday, we will review and on Friday, we will take a test over chapter 9. I will also collect notes that day.

Due to the freshmen and sophomore tests planned for Wednesday and Thursday, this schedule may be slightly different for 9th hour business concepts, with notes being taken on Monday and Tuesday, career research on Wednesday/Thursday, review on Friday, and the test on Monday. I'm not sure how many kids this will affect that hour, so I'm going to be flexible.

Business Math
On Monday, we will complete a worksheet over section 6.4. On Tuesday, we will review and on Wednesday, we will have a test over sections 1-4 of chapter 6. On Thursday and Friday we will work on the reading guides for the remaining sections of chapter 6.

Web Page 2
This week, we will start project 6 in Dreamweaver, over AP elements. All work will be completed in class.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Friday, February 4, 2011

Week of February 7-11 & Grades

Hi everyone,

Here are the grades as of February 4:

Click on the image to enlarge.

Here is the schedule for the upcoming week. It's basically last week's schedule all over again!

Business Concepts
I saw 3rd and 4th hours last Monday. All study guides were turned due and turned in. Since I did not see 9th hour, 15.1 and 15.2 study guides will be due on this Monday. 15.3 study guides will be due on Tuesday. All classes will read an article and complete a worksheet on Monday (we will do this in 9th hour if time permits after we take the notes from last Monday). On Tuesday, we will review for the test and on Wednesday we will take the test. I will also collect notes on that day.

Business Math
We will start chapter 6, completing a section each day. There will be daily homework.

Web Page 2
Students will begin work on their store templates.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31 update

Hi everyone,

With school ending early today, I did not get finished putting my grades in the computer. I apologize. The school was planning on mailing progress reports today, so hopefully you will receive those this week. This week's schedule may get entirely postponed; we will have to see how the weather behaves.

Stay safe everyone!


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week of January 31 - February 4

Hi everyone,

This week we will have parent-teacher conferences all day on Friday. I would love to meet with any parents who are able to stop by for a visit.

I am grading this weekend and will post new grades here on Monday evening.

For now, here is the schedule for this week:

Business Concepts
Study guides 15.1 and 15.2 are due on Monday at the beginning of class. Study guide 15.3 is due on Tuesday at the beginning of class. On Monday, we will take notes over section 15.3 and learn how to write a complaint letter. On Tuesday, we will review chapter 15 and on Wednesday we will take a test over the chapter. I will also collect notes on that day. I'm not sure what I have planned for Thursday. Probably just a fun group activity, but with no homework involved :)

Business Math
We will start covering chapter 6, hopefully finishing a section each day. There will be daily homework problems.

Web Page 2
Students will start creating a web site for a store that they create. They will use templates to create consistency throughout the site.

I think that's it for this week. I will get the grades posted tomorrow. Have a good one!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Grades - January 25

Grades are listed by student number. If you do not know your child's number, feel free to e-mail me. Click on the picture to enlarge the grades.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week of January 24-28

Hi everyone,

Because of the snow days last week, I still have not been to school to put grades in the computer. I will do that tomorrow and post the grades here tomorrow evening. Here is the schedule for this week, assuming we actually get to have school!

Business concepts 1
We will discuss the identify theft Powerpoints created while I was gone last week. I will grade these and provide feedback. We will start taking notes over chapter 15, which covers consumer protection. There should not be any take home work this week.

Business math
We will review on Monday and take a test over chapter 5 on Tuesday. Wednesday-Friday we will begin covering chapter 6 and there will be daily homework.

Web page 2
We will begin covering the chapter over templates and students will work through the chapter in the book. Then, students will design a store of their choice using templates.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one!


Monday, January 17, 2011

Week of January 17-21

Hi everyone,

Sorry for the later than usual blog post. I've been down with the flu this weekend and will probably not be at school tomorrow. I'm scheduled to attend a workshop on Wednesday, so the soonest I will have grades in the computer at school and posted on here will be Thursday afternoon. Again, I apologize for the delay.

Here is the schedule for this week:

Business concepts 1
On Tuesday and Wednesday, students will work with partners to create a PowerPoint on identity theft. On Thursday and Friday we will start taking notes over chapter 15. There should not be any outside homework this week.

Business math
On Tuesday, students will work on a review worksheet. On Wednesday, I'm hoping students will be able to use the Destination Math program to review some basic math concepts. On Thursday, we will go over review questions that were completed last Friday. On Friday, we will have a test over sections 1-4 of chapter 5.

Web page
On Tuesday and Wednesday, students will finish their community center forms. On Thursday and Friday, they will work on the parks template in the textbook.

I think that's all for this week. I will get grades posted on Thursday.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Week of January 10-14

Hi everyone,

Winter break seemed to fly by and the new semester has started already. With the exception of business math, all of my classes are starting anew with new groups of students. I don't have grades to post yet, but I will be posting them next weekend. For now, here is a schedule for the upcoming week:

Business Concepts 1 (3rd, 4th, and 9th hours)
We started chapter 1 last week, titled Consumers and the Economy. Study guides are due on Tuesday with the chapter test on Wednesday. Students will have their study guides returned before they leave class on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I will also collect chapter notes. On Thursday, we will start chapter 15 about making responsible buying decisions.

Business Math (6th hour)
We have started chapter 5 and it is going quickly. There will be daily homework Monday-Wednesday and I'm hoping to have a test over sections 1-4 on Friday.

Web Page 2 (7th hour)
We are working on project 4 in the textbook over forms this week. Students will be creating forms for a park district and a candle store. There will not be any take-home work for this class during the semester.

I think that's it for this week. Please feel free to call or e-mail me if you have any questions.